
First Choice Employees Travel to Guatemala with Great Commission

August 16, 2016

Here at First Choice Home Builders, we like to give praise when our employees do amazing things. Last month, two of our employees did a very selfless and extraordinary thing indeed. CEO / Owner Jerry Weathersbee and his family, along with Office Manager, Trina Williams, traveled to Guatemala with the Great Commission to do a week of medical mission work. Jerry Weathersbee and Trina Williams The Great Commission, founded by Augusta physician Kiki Stincer and his wife, a retired nurse, Holly Stincer, is a Christian-centered nonprofit organization based in Martinez, GA. Each year, the organization enlists a team of community volunteers, and volunteer nurses and doctors to travel to impoverished areas of the world where citizens that do not have medical insurance can afford neither routine medical care, nor certain lifesaving procedures. From eye examinations and glasses fittings, to dentistry, physical therapy, podiatry and much more, this year’s group of 50 volunteers made a great difference in the lives of the 1,795 patients they treated that week in the cities of San Lucas and Ciudad Viega. All patients were seen by doctors over the course of 5 days, given prescriptions if necessary, and presented with the Gospel. The towns were so appreciative that the Mayor of San Lucas held a special ceremony on the last day and presented the group with the Ambassador of Peace Award for 2016.   Jerry Weathersbee “What I’ve taken away from this experience is how BLESSED we truly are,” said Trina Williams. “There are so many people in this world that don't have the simplest things that we take for granted on a daily basis, (like Advil) yet they are some of the kindest people you could ever meet. I know we came to Guatemala to help them, but at the end of the day, I believe I was the one who was helped. I've learned that I need to be humbled, grateful, and merciful at all times.” Trina Williams on Great Commission When asked if she would go on a similar mission trip in the future, Trina said “I do plan on going next year, and I would like to take my children with me, because I want them to have that experience. I think it would benefit anyone, but especially high school students, to see that there are people in this world that are less fortunate. Seeing that helps you realize how blessed you are to live here in the United States, and to have the privileges that you have.” In 2015, Holly Stincer and Jerry Weathersbee were introduced to a few babies that were 7 months old, but who only weighed 7 lbs. Their mothers couldn’t afford to pay for baby formula and they were extremely malnourished. This year, the babies that were given formula by the Great Commission, are now fully developed little children. “Seeing how they've grown - it’s just what makes it all worth it,” said Jerry. 056   The Great Commission has served locally in the CSRA as well as in Venezuela, Mexico, Honduras, Romania, Cuba, Dominican Republic, and Guatemala. According to their website, they were also “on hand within the first week following the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti providing assistance where possible.” “We like to say it’s a calling, not a job,” said Holly. “It’s a way to give back. We’re helping the poorest of the poor. And when you go, you just see the heart of God. Some of the moms we see have walked all night with their babies on their backs to seek medical help. The bible says, ‘When I was hungry you fed me, when I was thirsty you gave me water.’ We’re doing God’s work and giving hope to an otherwise hopeless situation.“ Great Commission Volunteers But their wonderful work is not just for other countries. The Great Commission holds health clinics for people in Georgia’s Central Savannah River Area who do not have health insurance or cannot afford necessary medical treatments. “The medical profession is a very unique field. You have been blessed with life saving skills in your hands, and sometimes, you just feel the call,” Holly said. “If you’re even thinking about joining, then do as the Bible says and just GO. You work long horrendous hours, and you have to make tough decisions, but God gave you those skills and they are meant to be shared. We have people who are 90 years old that still help. “ The organization cannot do such great work without financial support from its thoughtful donors. If you are interested in helping, you can visit their website,, to find out more about volunteering or donating. The Great Commission is a designated 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and your contributions are tax-deductible. To see a video of this year’s trip, click here. Guatemalan Woman And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15  
First Choice Home Builders is a local homebuilder in the Columbia County, Fort Gordon, and Greater Augusta, GA area specializing in custom, semi-custom, and build-on-your-lot homes. Currently the company is building homes in the Riverwood Plantation, Whispering Pines, and Rhodes Farm Master Planned Communities. To see our current inventory, click here. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Houzz to see current projects.